Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Why Should I Build An Email List?

Email list is the one of the way to make more money online. If you own a list of dedicated subscribers who listens to you and buys your products, you are definitely going to make a decent passive income in the long run. Always remember, email list is not a get rich quick scheme just like any other online business. It takes time to foster relationships with your blog subscribers and create awareness to improve your sales from the list.

So if you are thinking to start building an email list, the first thing you should consider is to create awareness, not making instant money. It only sucks your email list in the long run, so always focus on long term relationships than quick money.

5 Benefits building email list right away

There are so many benefits of building an email list. I am telling some of that

  1. It’s a direct medium
  2. You can drive traffic
  3. You can increase sales
  4. You can create awareness about your products
  5. No Google update can harm your sales and business

We will now briefly discuss about them one by one now.

  • It’s a direct medium

Email list is a direct medium where you can directly send newsletters to your subscribers. It’s fast and you can instantly pull their attention on your products without having to worry too much.

You can directly interact with your subscribers and create relationships with them without actually selling your soul. Here are few ways to create engagement with your subscribers through your email list.

Whenever you send a newsletter, ask them to do at least one thing. You can ask anything like sharing your newsletter with others or sharing it on social media networks (you can simply use the social media buttons and most email autoresponders have this functionality) or you can just ask them respond to the email sharing their thoughts.

  • You can drive traffic

Are you not an SEO expert? Don’t you know how to drive more traffic from search engines or social media? Well, you are not alone. There are so many bloggers out there with great content but they suffer from lack of traffic because of poor SEO and social media communication skills.

But with email list, you can pull massive traffic to your blog post with the click of a link. Imagine you send 3 newsletters every week linking to your blog posts (and you have a list of 10,000 subscribers), how much traffic will you get even if 30% of them click through your links? That’s whooping 3,0000 people landing on your site each and every time when you send a link. Email list is a massive traffic puller, you just have to create strong relationships to build your email list. Don’t solely focus on sending sales letters or you will see huge unsubscribe rates.

  • You can increase sales

Are you tired of increasing your sales through affiliate marketing? Try building an email list. And you will notice the results and difference in no time.

The problem with traditional affiliate marketing is, you often seem like a salesmen selling products the hard way. Online readers won’t buy stuff from strangers, remember that. They only buy from people who they already know and have trust.

So what else could be the best way to improve your reach and visibility than building an email list? It’s the surefire way to increase your affiliate marketing sales to make more money.

  • You can create awareness about your products

Are you focusing on making money by creating your own information products, eBooks or videos? Then email list is the perfect fit for your business to boost sales.

How? You can create awareness of your products to increase your revenue. In online, most people don’t buy your stuff when they see it for the first time. They need to know about your products and they also need some awareness of them why they are used. So by using an email list, you can not only foster your relationships, you can create awareness and make your subscribers buy your products.

  • No Google update can harm your sales and business

Google is coming up with latest algorithms like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird etc. to give better search results to its users. But these updates can also degrade your SERP rankings if you somehow build your backlinks the wrong way or if you have used too many keywords for the same terms. So what happens when this occurs? You will lose all your search engine traffic and links which ultimately results in no sales and traffic.

Whereas when you have your own email list of huge subscribers, you can bring traffic, you can make more sales no matter what. Now Google is not going to harm your business, traffic and sales. You are the owner of your email list. And it is for your life time unless you stop paying your email autoresponder bills.

So go start now and build an email list using a better autoresponder like GetResponse.

How to start your list building?  3 Tips to help you Build an Email List -

  • 1-Free Offer.

 In order to have people opt in to your capture page you must have a How to Build an Email List compelling offer. Your free offer should be something of value that will entice your prospects. This could be: Free training, Coupons, Half off something on your website. it doesn’t matter what it is. Just make sure it is of value to your target market and your prospects will opt in.

  • 2-Follow Up Messages.

The most important part of building an email list is the follow up messages.
This is where you build the relationship with your list. You should provide your list with valuable information and Training. The more people on your list see your emails. The more they will get familiar with you. People manly do business with other people they Know, Like and Trust. So keep the relationship your building with your list strong by always adding value. After people come to know you as a person of value, they will buy from you. And this is the whole point of building an email list.

  • 3-Content. 

If you want to Build an Email List.. Provide Content.
This is square one. Before your prospects receive your follow up messages. And even before they opt in to your capture page you have to get there attention somehow. leading with valuable content is the best way to get the attention of a qualified prospect. You can do this a number of ways. Some of the most effective ways of leading with value are: Article marketing, Blogging, Video marketing etc. You have to give people a reason to visit your site. And when they do, you have to give them a reason to opt into your capture page and become a lead

From the Editor’s Desk:

It is very important to professional blogger to Built email list. If you are not building email list than start from today and enjoy blogging.

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